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Golden Tic Tac Toe

4.6 ( 6496 ratings )
Giochi Rompicapo Giochi da tavolo
Sviluppatore Ahmed Alkatheeri

‘Golden Tic Tac Toe’ is an iOS game that allows for 2 players to challenge and make a match with each other or 1 player make a match with computer device itself. ‘Golden Tic Tac Toe’ is made to be for two sides or two players or two symbols, X and O, who take turns marking the spaces in a 3×3 grid. The player who succeeds in placing three respective marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row wins the match on game.

There is an achievement for a player depending on current game match. For example, each match you have unlimited tours and each tour you win you will get one point against your opponent who will get zero point if he lose or make a draw tour.

Player can use peer to peer (Multipeer Connectivity feature on iOS 7) to play with an opponent, so each of two player will use his/her phone for play a match. However, if you play with your partner using peer to peer feature and he/she stop the game or you stop the game, the match will stop and you have play the match again.

Each player have to select one symbol from available two symbols which are (X) and (O) symbols. On game scene, there is a table board for players to knock for his/her symbol (from (X) and (O) symbols) , and player can stop, reply, and continue playing of match using menu on game layer. In addition, player can change setting of game features like music and sounds. After end of each tour of game match, there is a popup that makes a result for player to tell him/her if he/she is winner or loser or making a draw tour of match.